Kaneh Co Blondies

Kaneh Co created a line of cannabis-infused snacks. The snack I chose to go with was their Pb & J Blondies. When I saw them, I had to have them, they sounded absolutely delicious. Their description clearly states on the front that they are a peanut butter and raspberry jam blondie topped off with roasted peanuts sprinkled on top. It reminded me of those Smucker’s PB&J Uncrustables, so I wanted them. They have a total of 100mg of THC in each bag. Each blondie contains 10mg of THC per blondie. The bag suggests that you refrigerate them after opening them to preserve their quality in taste. I would suggest hiding these in a locked fridge or perhaps some place where children or pets cannot get to them.

Now, let me just start off by saying right off the bat that I love the packaging of their bag, it’s a sleek and simple design. It has a beautiful streak of teal right across the top of the bag, then we come down to the center of the bag which has their logo printed in bold font, with just splash of a plum color towards the bottom of the bag that is very pleasing to the eye.

I had only eaten one edible as I did have a doctor’s appointment early the next day and didn’t want to sleep right through everything and miss my appointment. After about an hour of having taken these, I felt euphoric, very chill, and relaxed. After a couple hours had passed, I got the munchies, and then a while after I felt very focused, and energetic. I felt as if I could power through all of my writing, go to the gym, and maybe even get my whole house cleaned, okay, well, some of it cleaned. Let’s not get too carried away with that there ha.

These blondies tasted a lot like little fluffy pound cakes. Unfortunately, I didn’t really get much of the raspberry flavor with the one I tried, but these did have a pretty strong canna-butter flavor and a strong peanut butter flavor. They were really light and delicate which isn’t something that I can say I’ve experienced before when it comes to other edibles. And, I actually really liked the texture of these edibles.

Now, I don’t do edibles that often, but I honestly feel like one would be more than enough just to take the edge off. But I could be wrong, so always practice the rule of thumb, a little at a time goes a long way, especially when it comes to edibles. If you’re not feeling anything within an hour, hour-and a half, add a tiny bit more, and I want to emphasize on tiny cause while you can’t take some away once it’s consumed, you can always add more on, right? And, again, I’m not a medical professional, so use these at your own risk.

For me, these blondies took away my back pain for a while. I was able to enjoy my book, my snack, and my cup of tea, and towards the end of the night, I felt calm and even got a little couch locked there for a bit. So, if you do plan on getting these, then make sure you take them at night or when you know you don’t got to be anywhere or do anything. The only negative thing I could really say about these is I feel like the lack of raspberry jam is where they could use improvement. Other than that, kudos to you, Kaneh Co, you really delivered when it came down to it.

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